My name is Mary, and I started The Block Vintage in 2009 as an Etsy store where I sold, and still sell, vintage clothes. Over the years, I've become passionate about keeping clothes of all ages out of landfills and getting as much use out of them as possible. With that goal in mind, I expanded my online platforms to include sales of non-vintage items and opened additional shops on Poshmark, eBay, and Depop.
In 2020, I was approached by my best friend with an opportunity to become a partner at a vintage and handmade mall she was opening with her mother. I jumped at the chance, and now the three of us own Trunkshow in Raleigh, NC, where I, and over 40 others, sell vintage and handmade items. I still hold a 9-5 office job, and my work for Trunkshow is largely behind the scenes, but you can find me working there some weekends. I feel so lucky to be even a small part of this dream with two of my favorite women! Please come see us at 1526 Wake Forest Road.
Feel free to get in touch at theblockvintage@gmail.com.